Weekly Events

Sunday Morning Service – 10:30am

Sunday Morning at Wycliffe! Our service starts with a song service which followed by a time of prayer led by our Pastor, Dave Solt. The children are then dismissed for their junior church classes during which Pastor Solt brings the message. There is something for the whole family at Wycliffe! Can’t join us in-person? Our online livestream is available through on Facebook page

Sunday Evening Service – 6:30pm

Sunday Evening at Wycliffe! Our service starts with a song service which followed by a time of prayer led by our Pastor, Dave Solt. The children are then dismissed for their King’s Kids Club during which Pastor Solt brings the message. There is something for the whole family at Wycliffe! Can’t join us in-person? Our online livestream is available through on Facebook page

Wednesday Bible Study – 7pm

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15

Pastor Solt makes it a point to teach in an expository way through the Scriptures. We’ve already gone through Revelation and Isaiah. Join us in-person as we continue verse by serve through the Scripture. Also, our online livestream can be found at www.wycliffelive.co.uk

Thursday Coffee Morning – 10am

Our coffee morning is a really good get-together where anyone is welcome for a brew and a chat in our fellowship room. So if your a little bit squeamish about walking into a service, just give the coffee morning a try and see if we’re your “cup of tea”. Furthermore all the teas and coffees(including cakes and cookies) are free!!! To access the fellowship hall, the side door facing Rhodes Furniture.

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